Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1st 2010: Three Floyds Moloko Plus Milk Stout

I will be starting today with trying to drink a new beer everyday for a whole year.

We had a tasting today so I will use the first beer we sampled.

Three Floyds Moloko Plus Milk Stout

Here is the review I posted on

Appearnce: 3.5 | Smell: 4 | Taste: 4 | Feel: 4 | Drinkability: 3.5

This is the first beer in my "365 Beers in 365 Days" and it was a good one to start with.

This one poured a dark black with a very unappealing head that really left nothing after a quick coating and then a thin ring. The smell was heavy roasted malts with a sweet milk chocolate dominating everything. The taste was the same with the lactose and chocolate sweetness making this one helluva great milk stout. The mouthfeel was creamy but also slightly oily but not too thin and not too chewy. There was a small amount of heat and the sweetness got to be a bit unbearable towards the end but it was a great example of the style.

Serving type: bottle

I'll be posting the title, review and the BeerAdvocate review link for every beer. Enjoy!

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