Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 18th 2010: Ithaca LeBleu

Appearance: 4 | Smell: 4.5 | Taste: 3.5 | Feel: 3.5 | Drinkability: 3.5

A big thanks to huey782 for trading me this one. This one pours a very hazy reddish orange with a fizzy two finger head that stuck around with a lot of tight bubbles clinging to the glass. The smell is all sour! Its all horse blanket with a hint of sweetness but no blueberries at all. The taste starts out sour with some funk that is what I want in an American Wild. The blueberries are an afterthought that linger in the aftertaste. There is hardly any sweetness at all. There is an unpleasant overripe fruit in the finish as well. The mouthfeel is pleasant with the champagne yeast but a little thin. If it wasn't for the bad taste in the finish this one would be very drinkable. Not too bad though and always great when its a sour!

Serving type: bottle

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